Superr ensures that your child receives immediate, temporary, and automatic access for one day to an app/website under the following conditions:
Your child requests for any app whose category is 'Education', or 'Learning'
If the website rule of the current routine is set to 'Allow selected websites' and your child requests for any website that is not on the list of distracting websites of the current routine
You can then choose to Deny/Grant that app/website permanently during that routine
If you want to directly add an app/website during the current routine,
Tap on the child and go to the Rules page
Under child’s Routines, select the routine where you want to add the app/website
If you want to add a website,
Under the 'Website rules' section, scroll to the allowed websites list
Type or paste the URL of the website that you want to give access to.
Tap on allow and there you have it!
If you want to add an app,
Under the 'Allowed Apps' section, select or search the required app from the list
Don't forget to save before leaving